Sunday, March 30, 2008

bus highlights of late:

a car wanted to turn into my bus's lane from a parking lot, and it did so without waiting for a polite wave of the hand from the bus driver or anything. bus driver: "did i say you could go, knucklehead?"

on the same bus there was a little girl with her mom. cute kid; missing her two front teeth, which made her all the more endearing. she was carrying a purse with the following items in it: a starfish finger puppet, which she waved at me, and a ten pound note. she was kind of awesome.

there was a more or less crazy dude on my bus. and he was chattering constant, bizarrely inspirational things, like, "the important thing is just to keep living. even if you're a thousand years old, just keep living." then i sneezed and he said, "bless you, baby! bless you!" i thanked him. his next project was talking to this asian kid who had just gotten on the bus and who was clearly not in a talkative mood. the kid did not respond to the crazy guy's conversational overtures, so crazy guy took it up a notch. "you can't ignore me, because i ACKNOWLEDGE you. ching chong ching!" it got more awkward from there because no one wanted to talk to him.


Anonymous said...

hahah awesome crazy man.

Unknown said...

sounds not unlike an experience I had on a train recently. There was this dancing/yelling dude, and I don't mean he was shaking his head while tapping his knee, he was full-out clubbing in Car 6. And if you stared at him, he'd yell at you "Don't stare at me because I'm not staring at you!" He was also yelling at himself for a while about his plans for that night. I couldn't hide my laughter and me laughing made these other girls in front of me laugh and then he came and stood next to us. We stopped.