Tuesday, December 11, 2012


  1. I just updated my Amazon wishlist with CDs I used to listen to with my 2005-era boyfriend. Specifically: Campfire Girls and Spinto Band. It's weird. I ain't sorry, though; they're catchy.

  2. Meryl the greyhound and Julie the rat terrier have worked out some elaborate system of playing outside where the patio is "base" or something and whoever is there is safe from aggression, and Julie gets to bite Meryl but Meryl never gets to bite Julie. I feel like I'm watching civilization develop.

  3. I've now been single for almost three months. This is the longest I have been completely, 100% without a boyfriend since I was 17. I'm 26. It's kind of awesome. I DO WHAT I WANT. Is this how normal people live? Who is John Galt?

  4. I used to be really blond, thanks to a heavy dose of bleach:

    For comparison, this is me (+ hound) normally:

    Anyway, there are times when I find myself looking back and thinking, that was a really good look! Maybe I should do that again! I will almost definitely not do that again.

  5. I used to download pictures of my ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend (when he was still my bf) and write "WHORE" next to her face in MS Paint. I recommend this as a stress release. If you're squeamish about the word "WHORE," feel free to fill in your own insult. (Hi, Aubree (and other Leglers) and John, by the way!)

  6. Completely without irony, I purchased a sweater for each of my dogs, because they have looked so pathetic during recently evening walks. Pictures to come.

  7. True story: I have never eaten a Twinkie, and now there is a chance that I never will.

  8. I need to find a karaoke joint featuring "NY State of Mind" by Nas. 

  9. I know I have already told some of you about this, but I truly never tire of saying it. This one's for all you Game of Thrones watchers. And Christopher Nolan Batman fans. Check it:
On the left, you see the angelic little boy whom Rachel Dawes saves from panic-crazed Gothamites towards the end of Batman Begins. On the right, you see King Joffrey, vicarious abuser of whores (hi again, Leglers!) and all-around sociopath. What's my point?

IT'S THE SAME ACTOR. To me, this is somewhere between profoundly unsettling and really impressive.

You have to realize, this kind of actor recognition trivia is like easily the best thing in the world, for me. I love it. It's like visual punnery. Or something.


Aubree Legler said...

I can think of worse words, so I think you're ok. ;)

And connecting random actors is a really amazing past-time. I even beat Scott, every once in a blue moon, which makes my week.

The blond pic of you has an awesome smug smile. Just sayin'

john said...

I saw the blond smile too! I think it must be a Blond Effect Field Potential (yes, a made-up physics name, I have to put my skills to use somehow).